
Al Horford

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Speaking Topics


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Al Horford's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
I'm prepared to move to contract immediately if my offer is accepted.

Payment Terms

I understand that submitting this firm offer form is a legally binding offer to contract with the talent on the terms above, should the talent accept them within 5 business days of when this form is submitted. I further agree to Engage's standard booking terms & conditions.
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Please fill out the form to request more information about Michael Kroeger


He received the highest rating of any of our speakers at a recent conference and, as a result, is receiving requests for more speaking engagements from the attendees. Suggest that you have a large bowl of water for his beautiful guide dog.


We have received nothing but great reviews from our virtual attendees. Jake's story and message was inspiring, thought-provoking, challenging, and engaging.

Cindy Wieties

Excellent! Jake was an amazing and dynamic speaker. He was certainly a draw for our event. He spent the entire day with us - golfing, meeting our guests - truly generous with his time. Such a wonderful person!
